Lucrari de cercetare
  1. M.H. Zaharia, A. Hodorogea, G.M. Atanasiu, Automatic extraction of real organisational hierarchy using JADE, in  Management Intelligent System, Jorge Castiliasn, Francisco J. Martinez-Lopez, Juan M. Corchado (Eds.), ppg. 185-197, 2012, Springer, New York, ISSN 2194-5357.
  1. M. H. Zaharia, AI Applications in Psychology, Expert Systems for Human, Materials and Automation, InTech, 2011, ISBN 978-953-307-334-7 (book chapter)
  2. M.H. Zaharia, G. Atanasiu, Quality Needs of IT Infrastructure in Modern Earthquake Engineering Laboratories, Role of Seismic Testing Facilities in Performance Based Earthquake Engineering, Springer-Verlag, 2011
  1. M. H. Zaharia, F. Leon, G. M. Atanasiu, “A distributed application for infrastructure risk prevention”, in Bridge maintenance, safety, management and life-cycle optimization, proc of the fifh intl conf. on bridge maintenance, safety and management,Philadelphia,  Frangopol, Sause & Kusko (eds), Taylor & Francis Group, London, 2010.
  2. Zaharia, M., Atanasiu, G.M., Using High Performance Computing in Earthquake Engineering laboratories, Procc. of the 4th AESE & the 2nd Int’l WS of  EFAST project, The Fourth International Conference on Advances in Experimental Structural Engineering, Balkema, Publisher, JRC – Ispra 2011, pp 1-12. Available at:,
  3. Atanasiu, G.M., Zaharia M., Using High Performance Computing for EFAST Project Synergy, Proceedings of the 14th ECEE – Skoplje, Macedonia, Ohrid, 2010 pp.1-8, Proceedings – CD ISBN 978-608-65185-1-6
  4. G. M. Atanasiu, M. H. Zaharia, F. Leon. Life Cycle Monitoring for Urban Public Infrastructure Based on Classification Techniques, Safety, Reliability and Risk of Structures, Infrastructures and Engineering Systems, Furuta, Frangopol & Shinozuka (eds), pp. 466-473, Taylor & Francis Group, London, 2010.  
  5. F. Leon, M. H. Zaharia, Stacked Heterogeneous Neural Networks for Time Series Forecasting, Mathematical Problems in Engineering, Volume 2010 (2010), Article ID 373648, 20 pages, doi:10.1155/2010/373648.
  6. St. A.Boronea, M. H. Zaharia, G. M. Atanasiu, Distributed Artificial Intelligence in Organisational Management, European Conference on Intellectual Capital, ECIC 2010, Portugal, 2010.
  7. Adrian Alexandrescu, Mihai Horia Zaharia, A Java Based Light Distributed File System, Buletinul Institutului Politehnic din Iasi,sectia Automatica si Calculatare, Tome LVI (LX), Fasc. 2,   ppg. 63-74, 2010
  1. Mihai Horia ZAHARIA, Florin LEON, Speech Therapy Based on Expert System, Advances in Electrical and Computer Engineering, Suceava, Romania ISSN 1582-7445,  No 1/2009, pp 74-77.
  2. Zaharia, M; Leon, F; Atanasiu, G, “Increasing Awareness o Disasters by Knowledge Management with Intelligent Agents”, Conference Information: 10th European Conference on Knowledge Management, VOLS 1 AND 2   Pages: 906-914, 2009.
  3. Mihai Horia Zaharia, Florin Leon, Cristea Pal, Gabriel Pagu (2009). Agent-Based Simulation of Crowd Evacuation Behavior, Control, Modelling and Simulation. Proceedings of the 11th WSEAS International Conference on Automatic Control, Modelling and Simulation (ACMOS '09), WSEAS Press, pp. 529-533, ISSN 1790-5117, ISBN 978-960-474-082-6
  4. Florin Leon, Mihai Horia Zaharia, Cristea Pal, Stefan Adrian Boronea, Tudor Didilescu (2009). Distributed Application for Traffic Control Using Intelligent Agents, Proceedings of the 9th WSEAS International Conference on Applied Informatics And Communications (AIC '09), WSEAS Press, pp. 357-362, ISSN 1790-5109, ISBN 978-960-474-107-6
  5. Florin Leon, Bogdan Ioan Aignatoaiei, Mihai Horia Zaharia (2009). Performance Analysis of Algorithms for Protein Structure Classification, Proceedings of the 20th International Workshop on Database and Expert Systems Applications, DEXA 2009, eds. A. M. Tjoa, R. R. Wagner, IEEE Computer Society, Conference Publishing Services, pp. 203-207, ISBN 978-0-7695-3763-4, ISSN 1529-4188
  6. Stefan Boronea, Florin Leon, Mihai Horia Zaharia, Gabriela Maria Atanasiu. Design Patterns for Multi-Agent Simulations, Bratianu, Management & Marketing (2009) Vol. 4, No. 4, pp. 15-26
  7. M. H. Zaharia, E. Cazacu, DISTRIBUTED DIFFERENTIAL CRIPTANALYSIS OF FEAL – 8, Buletinul Institutului Politehnic din Iasi,sectia Automatica si Calculatare, tome LV (LIX), Fasc I, ppg. 51-60, 2009
  1. Gabriela Maria Atanasiu, Florin Leon, Mihai Horia Zaharia (2008). Intelligent Agents for Life Cycle Management of Structures and Infrastructures in Seismic Areas, in F. Biondini, D. M. Frangopol (eds.) - Life-Cycle Civil Engineering, pp. 921-928, CRC Press, Taylor & Francis Group, isbn 9780415468572
  2. Florin LEON, Mihai Horia ZAHARIA, Gabriela M. ATANASIU, ADAPTIVE MULTIAGENT SYSTEM FOR SEISMIC, EMERGENCY MANAGEMENT, ISSN 1842-0206, Management & Marketing (2008) Vol. 3, No. 4, pp. 73-80
  3. Florin Leon, Mihai Horia Zaharia, Dan Galea (2008). Emergent Dynamic Routing Using Intelligent Agents in Mobile Computing, Studies in Informatics and Control, vol. 17, nr. 2, National Institute for R&D in Informatics, ICI Bucharest.
  4. Cristea Pal, Mihai Horia Zaharia, Iosif, Olah Stefan Gheorghe, Pentiuc  Nicoleta Stefania Hulea, Florin Tiberiu Pal, Virtual Instrumentation in the Drive Subsystem Monitoring of a Mobil Robot with Gesture Commands, Buletinul Institutului Politehnic din Iasi,sectia Automatica si Calculatare, tome LIV (LVIII), 1-4, 2008
  5. Cristea Pal, Mihai Horia Zaharia, Florin Tiberiu Pal Robotic Control Using Gestures, Buletinul Institutului Politehnic din Iaşi, Tomul LIV (LVIII), Fasc 4, secţia Construcţii de maşini, ppg 47 – 55, 2008
  6. Mihai Horia Zaharia, Florin Leon, Catalin Nicolae Calistru, Dan Galea (2008). Load Balancing in Heterogeneous Distributed Systems Using Mobile Intelligent Agents, Proceedings of the IEEE SMC International Conference on Distributed Human-Machine Systems, DHMS 2008, pp. 367-372
  7. Mihai Horia Zaharia, Cristea Pal, Intelligent medical robot society, Sixth International Scientific and Technical Conference “Internet - Education - Science 2008”,  Vinnytsia, Ukraine ,ppg 477-480,2008
  1. Mihai Horia ZAHARIA, Securing Communication in Ambient Networks for Speech Therapy Systems, Advances in Electrical and Computer Engineering, Suceava, Romania ISSN 1582-7445,  No 2/2007, volume 7 (14), pp. 41-44.
  2. B. Stefanescu, C. Caruntu, M. Danubianu, F. Jamt,A. Ciobanu, Mihai Horia Zaharia, S. Gheorghita, V. Olaru, Simulator multisenzorial pentru navigarea in universuri virtuale bazat pe tehnologiile realitatii virtuale, cu aplicatii in managementul teritoriului, Analele stiintifice ale univ. A. I. Cuza, tom LIII, s. II, 2007, ISSN 1223-5334
  3. N. Holban, B. Stefanescu, C. Caruntu, F. Jamt, Gh. Batranescu, Mihai Horia Zaharia, V. Olaru, A. Enache, Managementul on line al zonelor intravilan degradate, Analele stiintifice ale univ. A. I. Cuza, tom LIII, s. II, 2007, ISSN 1223-5334
  4. Mihai Horia Zaharia, Florin Leon and Florin Grigoriu, Using Intelligent Agents Framework for Increasing the Mobile Computing Security, bulletin UTI, sectiune Calculatoare, 2007, cat B CNCSIS
  5. Mihai Horia ZAHARIA,  Stefan-Gheorghe PENTIUC, Using Gestual ComMands in Complex Robotic Systems Cristea PAL, Seminarul de Sisteme Distribuite, USV 2007, Suceava, Romania
  1. Mihai Horia ZAHARIA, Leon FLORIN, Cristian BUŢINCU, INTELLIGENT RESOURCE MANAGEMENT IN MOBILE COMPUTING, Anale Univ. Suceava, 2006, 973-666-177-6
  2. Alexandru VALACHI, Mihai ZAHARIA, Marcelin BALASCA-MIHOCI, A NEW APPROACH IN DISTRIBUTED URBAN TRAFFIC SYSTEM DESIGN, seminar sisteme distribuite, Procesare distribuita, editura Universitatii Suceava, ISSN 1842-6808, ppg 7-15, 2006
  1. F. Leon, M. H. Zaharia, D. Galea, A heuristic method for solving generalized water jugs problem, Buletinul Institutului Politehnic din Iasi, tome XLXI (LV), 2005, ISSN 1223-8139, fasc. 1-4, pp. 95-102
  2. C. Buţincu, M. H. Zaharia, D. Galea, A new model of inter-tier data transfer for distributed applications based on polymorphic lightweight data transfer objects, Buletinul Institutului Politehnic din Iasi, tome XLXI (LV), 2005, ISSN 1223-8139
  3. C. Buţincu, M. H. Zaharia, D. Galea, In-depth analyze and work around solutions to the restrictions that java generics impose over array component types and type covariance, Advances in Electrical and Computer Engineering, Volume 5 (12), Number 2 (23), 2005, ISSN 1582-7445
  4. M. H. Zaharia, F. Leon, A new approach in workflow modeling using intelligent agents, Advances in Electrical and Computer Engineering, Volume 5 (12), Number 2 (23), 2005, ISSN 1582-7445
  5. M. H. Zaharia, C. Butincu, D. Galea, A distributed framework for resource managemnt in mobile computing using intelligent agents, Distributed Computing, Suceava, 2005, pg 15-24, ISBN 973-666-177-6, Advances in Electrical and Computer Engineering
  6. Mihai Horia Zaharia, Florin Leon, Dan Galea: A New Approach in Distributed Geographic Information System Design, Scientific Papers of University of Agricultural Sciences and Veterinary Medicine "Ion Ionescu de la Brad" Iasi, tome XLVIII, v.2-2005, Sect. Horticulture, Proceedings of the 4th Annual Symposium on Mathematics Applied in Biology & Biophysics, pp. 51-62, Iasi, 2005
  7. M. H. Zaharia, C. Aflori, I. Şova, C. Amarandei, F. Leon, „PROTOTIPUL UNUI SISTEM GIS WEB INTELIGENT PENTRU EXTRAGEREA CUNOŞTINŢELOR DIN BAZE DE DATE FOLOSIND AGENŢI INTELIGENŢI”, Revista de Politica Stiintei si Scientometrie  - Numar Special 2005 - ISSN- 1582-1218, Research report on grant 67/66/2004
  1. M. H. Zaharia, F. LEON, D. Galea, Symbolic Deductive Reasoning using Connectionist Models, Computer Science Journal of Moldova, volume 12, number 1 (34), pp. 127-145, Chişinău, 2004, ISSN 1561-4042
  2. F. Leon, M. H. Zaharia, D. Galea, A New Approach in Agent Path-Finding using State Marks Gradients, Computer Science Journal of Moldova, volume 12, number 3, pp. 406-423, Chişinău, 2004, ISSN 1561-4042
  3. M. H. Zaharia, An alternative approach to GRID computing, Advances in Electrical and Computer Engineering, Annals of Tech. Univ. of Suceava 2004, No. 2, pg. 60-64, ISSN 1582-7445.
  4. F. LEON, M. H. ZAHARIA, D. GaLEA Performance Analysis of Categorization Algorithms, Proceedings of the 8th International Symposium on Automatic Control and Computer Science, Iasi, October 2004, ISBN 973-621-086-3
  5. M. H. ZAHARIA, F. LEON, D. GaLEA, Parallel Genetic Algorithms for Cluster Load Balancing, Proceedings of the European Conference on Intelligent Systems and Technologies, Iasi, July 2004, ISBN 973-7994-78-7
  1. Galea, D., Leon, F., Zaharia, M.H., Lefter, C., Ochesel, A., Blendea, Knowledge-based geographical systems  N., Bulletin of Technical University of Iasi 49 (53), pp. 81-94,2003
  2. F. Leon, M. H. Zaharia, D. Galea, Agent-Based Framework with Optimized Knowledge Queries, Buletinul Institutului Politehnic din Iasi, 2003, tome XLIX (LIII), 1-4, pp. 103-110, 2003, ISSN 1223-8139
  3. F. Leon, M. H. Zaharia, D. Galea, Cooperative Multiagent Framework for Knowledge Retrieval, Buletinul Institutului Politehnic din Iasi,Tome XLIX (LIII),pg 95-102, 2003, ISSN 1223-8139
  4. M. H. Zaharia, F. Leon, D. Galea, On finding an optimised categorisation in conceptual spaces using genetic algoritms, Buletinul Institutului Politehnic din Iasi, 2003, , tome XLIX (LIII), fasc. 1-4, pp. 111-120, 2003, ISSN 1223-8139
  5. M. H. ZAHARIA, F. LEON, D. GaLEA, A simulator for load balancing analyze in distributed systems, SISTEME DISTRIBUITE - Tehnologii 2003, pg. 53-59, Editura Universităţii din Suceava, ISBN 973-666-059-1
  6. M. H. ZAHARIA, F. LEON, D. GaLEA, A Framework for Distributed Computing using Mobile Intelligent Agents, New Trends in Computer Science and Engineering, 2003, 219-224, Ed Polirom, Iasi
  7. D. Galea, F. Leon, M. H. Zaharia, E-learning Distributed Framework using Intelligent Agents New Trends in Computer Science and Engineering, 2003, 159-164, Ed Polirom, Iasi
  1. F. Leon, D. Galea, M. H. Zaharia, Load balancing in distributed systems using cognitive behavioral models, Buletin of Technical University of IASI, 2002,  tomul xlviii (lii), fasc 1-4, pg.119-124, ISSN 1223-8139
  2. M. H. Zaharia, M. Craus, RSA, DES and CAST comparative analysis, Buletin of Technical University of IASI, 2002,  tomul xlviii (lii), fasc 1-4, pg. 125-129, ISSN 1223-8139
  3. M. Craus, M.H. Zaharia, I. Hamburg, A new parallel algorithm for solving convex hull problem, Spring volume of "Radio electronics. Computer Science. Control", 2002, pg 35-37, Zaporozhhye National Technical University, Ukraina, ISSN 1607-3274
  4. M. Craus, M. H. Zaharia, C. Amarandei ,Cluster Efficient Routing using Optimal Path Election Parallel Algorithm, 6th Intl. Conf. on Development and Application Systems, 2002, pg. 297-301, DAS2002, 23-25 mai Suceava. ISBN 973-98670-9-x
  5. M.Craus, M.H. Zaharia, Alive Cluster of Digital Library, Buletinul Institutului Politehnic din Iasi, 2002, tomul xlviii (lii), fasc 1-4, pg. 139-144, ISSN 1223-8139
  1. F. Ionescu, D. Arotaritei, M. H. Zaharia, U.K. Wiil, A Proposal for Adaptive Routing using Neural Prediction in a Distributed Environment, KES'2001 Fifth International Conference on Knowledge-Based Intelligent Information Engineering Systems & Allied Technologies, 7-8 September 2001, Osaka, Japan publicate în Volumul 69 cu titlul Frontiers in Artificial Intelligence and Applications, pg 520-524, IOS Press BV 2001, ISBN 4-274-90463-6.
  2. I.Hamburg, M. H. Zaharia, A Strategy for Multimedia-based Distributed Applications in Telecooperation, EURASIP Conference: ECMCS 2001, Budapest, Hungary, 11-13, september 2001, THE IEEE Hungary Section, pg 185-189, ISBN 963-8111-64-X
  3. Al. Barleanu, M. H. Zaharia, A new approach in hardware key design, 7-th International Symposium on Automatic Control and Computer Sciences 2001, pg. 91-93,Iasi. ISBN 973-8292-10-7.
  4. M. Erbiceanu, D. Galea, M.H. Zaharia, A new data encryption algorithm using variable length information blocks, 7-th International Symposium on Automatic Control and Computer Sciences 2001, pg. 99-101 Iasi, ISBN 973-8292-10-7
  1. M. H. Zaharia, Dan Galea, A CAD for industrial workflow simulation using Petri Nets, Bulletin of Technical University of IASI 2000, tomul xlvi(l), fasc. 1-4, pg. 113-119, ISSN 1220-2169
  2. M. Ilinca, M. H. Zaharia, V. Alexandrescu, A proposal for further development of distributed automatic analysis of electrical network, in National Electric Power System Annals of Tech. Univ. of Suceava 2000, No. 11, pg. 74-78, ISSN 1222-43165.
  3. M.H. Zaharia, An approach in distributed application design – local load prediction, 2000, year VI, No. 13, pg. 51-54, ISSN 1222-43165.
  4. M.H. Zaharia, C. E. Onete, Secure communications in distributed systems using multiple keys encryption method, IES Conference Proceedings 2000, IEEE section, Vinnitza, pg. 59-61, Ukraina 2000. ISSN 1607-3274.
  5. I.Hamburg, M. H. Zaharia, Tools for a participative computer aided modeling of flows in production, EDA2000 proceedings, Orlando,2000, pg. 627-632
  1. M. H. Zaharia, Distributed systems protocols simulations using Petri Nets, Annals of Tech. Univ. of Suceava, 1999, year VI, No. 12, pg. 30-33, ISSN 1222-43165.
  2. M. H. Zaharia, C.E. Onete, F. Chelariu, CAD tool for large automata design with PLA – like implementation, International Conference, Beyond 2000,Vol XXXVIII, pg. 135-139, ISSN 1221-4949, Editura Universitatii "L. Blaga", Sibiu, (Romania), 1999
  3. C. E. Onete, M. H. Zaharia, Al. Valachi, Event Driven Automata Design “WAIT” States, International Conference, Beyond 2000,Vol XXXVIII, pg. 97-101. ISSN 1221-4949, Editura Universitatii "L. Blaga", Sibiu, (Romania), 1999
  4. M. H. Zaharia, Theory And Practics In Distributed Industrial Workflows Simulations, Research report on december 1999 IAT Gelsenkirchen Germania.
  1. C.E.Onete, M. H. Zaharia, Al.Valachi, R.Onete, Nonideal Performance Of The Propagation Type A/D Converters With Applications In CMOS OUTPUT Voltage Measurement, International Conference SCS,vol 2, pg. 599-600,1998.
  2. M. H. Zaharia, C.E.Onete,  Educational CAD for Large Automate Design, International Symposium on Automatic Control and Computer Sciences 1998, Vol II, pg. 55-57.
  3. C.Onete, A. Valachi, M. H. Zaharia, A portable data acquisition system, Intl. Conf. on Automation control and quality control A&Q’98, 1998, pg332-335, Cluj Napoca
  1. C.Onete, A. Valachi, M. H. Zaharia, A self pipelined PC Interfaced A/D Converter, Bulletin of Technical University "Gh. Asachi" section computers, 1997, tome XLII, pg 107-110, ISSN 1220-2169
  2. C.Onete, A. Valachi, M. H. Zaharia, "A self pipelined PC Interfaced A/D Converter", Bulletin of Technical University "Gh. Asachi" section computers, tome XLII, pg 107-110,1997
  3. C. E.Onete, M. H. Zaharia, Al. Valachi, M. Ilinca, F.Hoza,R. Silion “Evaluating, simulating and measuring the performance of new CA/D with propagation architectures. Applications”, Research report on grant 7/559/1997.
  1. F. Leon, M. H. Zaharia: Ingineria programarii (“Sofware Engineering”), Ed. Politehnium, 2005, ISBN 973-621-131-2, 180 pg format academic
  2. M. H. Zaharia, F. Leon, Limbajul C de la zero la student, (“C language from 0 to student”), Ed. Politehnium (fostă "Gh. Asachi"), 2004, ISBN 973-621-099-5, 320 pg format academic
  3. M. H. Zaharia, Sisteme Paralele si distribuite (“Parallel and distributed systems”), Ed. “Gh. Asachi”, 2003, ISBN 973-621-056-1, 187 pg format academic
  4. Mihai Horia Zaharia,  Cătălin Horghidan, Claudiu Mihăilă, Sisteme Distribuite: indrumar de laborator, Politehnium, 2007, ISBN 978-973-621-175-1, 225 format academic
  5. M. H. Zaharia, Fluxuri de productie in medii distribuite (“workflows in distributed systems”), Ed. FC “Renasterea Romana”, 2000, ISBN 973-97246-5-5 75 pg in format academic
  6. C.E. Onete, M. Zaharia, coord. Al. Valachi, Proiectarea sistemelor digitale asincrone (“Asynchronous Digital system design”) Ed. Spectrum, 1999, ISBN 973-98335-5-1, 50 pg format academic
  7. C.I.Vlad, F. Ionescu, D. Arotariţei, M.H. Zaharia, Aplicatii de control in mecatronica (“Control applications in mecatronics”) Ed. BIT, 1999, ISBN 973-96414-9-0, 210 pg format academic
  8. D. Arotariţei, M.H. Zaharia, Proiectarea translatoarelor si limbajul C (“Translators design and C language”), Ed. BIT, 1999, ISBN 973-9327-34-6, 150 pg format academic